Same Day, New Teeth, Dental Implants in Riverside

Posted June 15, 2009 in Home

CT Guided Surgery with Immediate Delivery of Implant Secured Dentures

Some of you may have heard of “teeth in an hour” or “teeth in a day” concepts in the news or internet.  They’re usually referring to a procedure in which the dentist can plan and place implants and deliver the “teeth”  which secure onto the implants in the same appointment.  I’m trained with the Procera software which allows me to plan exactly which size implants will go in which spots at exact angles chosen by me ahead of time.  Because the software is so precise, I can plan to fabricate the “teeth” ahead of time so that I can deliver the prosthesis at the same time as implant placement and the client is never without any “teeth”.  It’s a wonderful service to our clients and can be done with as few four implants but the more you can place, the more “future proof” the design is.  We can make “teeth” with the same material as traditional dentures or with porcelain.  Most times, these designs are either cemented or screwed into place and are not removable.  I give free consultations for this type of procedure, dental implants at my Riverside office, and because of the complexity of these types of cases, we will need to order a CT scan and eventually do a comprehensive full examination to determine if you’re a candidate.