Free Temporary Smile Makeover in Riverside CA

Posted August 4, 2009 in Home

Some of you may be wondering what you would look like with a smile makeover.  You’ve probably heard of computer “photoshop” style previews or looking at special wax representations of what your smile may look like.  However, those options do not really show what a makeover would look like in your own mouth.  At Dr. Chad’s office in Riverside, we now have the capability to create a temporary mockup of your smile and then place it in your mouth!  It covers your own existing teeth with a plastic like temporary material which can show you what your new smile may look like.   In fact, this temporary smile makeover can be worn for a few hours up to a few days so you can show your loved ones what your new smile can look like.  And since the mockup is only temporary, you can tell me what you like about the mockup and what you’d like to change.  Sometimes this mockup will dislodge on its own but if not, I can remove the temporaries at the office.  Normally this sort of mockup can easily cost more than a thousand dollars.  However, on occasion our lab offers special events where you can accompany me to the lab and have a makeover event.  And the best part is that sometimes these events are complimentary!  So please contact us by filling out the contact form in the left margin of this blog or call us at 951-686-3666 to see if there is an upcoming event.  You must become a patient of record to participate in these events because the placement of these temporary mockups is still considered dentistry therefore I would need all your personal information and health history.  Also, a few molds of your existing teeth would be necessary along with a few pictures of your current smile.