Xylitol Sugar Substitute Preventing Cavities:

Posted August 8, 2010 in Home

Healthy teeth are important to our everyday life and overall body health.  Recent news and research has perked my interest as a dentist regarding a sugar substitute called Xylitol.  Xylitol was first discovered in the late 19th century by German scientists, however it was not until the 1970’s that its benefit for teeth was discovered.  When Xylitol is introduced into the oral environment, it inhibits the bacteria in the mouth from producing acid.   It is this harmful acid that is now the known cause for enamel destruction in the form of tooth decay.  The bacteria that reside in the mouth, in plaque, and on the tooth surface are constantly being “fed” each time food and drink are ingested.  After eating sugar, it takes 30 minutes for the mouth’s pH to return to a neutral pH.  If sugar is eaten many times during the day, an “acid bath” will occur causing damage to the enamel thus causing tooth decay.

Adding Xylitol to your daily diet insures that harmful bacteria like lactobacillus and streptococcus mutans are reduced by as much as 90%, as well as, stimulating a healthy flow of saliva.  The combination of reducing bacteria and increasing salivary flow drastically decreases one’s risk for dental cavities.  The dental community including myself believe that 5-10g rather 3-8 pieces of Xylitol chewing gum is sufficient for caries prevention.  Xylitol chewing gum should be used after meals or snacks for approximately 20 minutes or until the flavor is gone.  Saliva tests and Xylitol containing products can be purchased at my Riverside Dental Wellness Office located off of Magnolia Avenue (951)686-3666.