Dental Wellness Office using Laser to Detect Cavities:

Posted October 30, 2010 in Home

So you think you have a cavity?!  Your tooth has a dark spot on it and what do you do?  Or, your tooth all of the sudden is sensitive to cold or sweets.  These symptoms are typically a result of tooth decay.  When symptoms of sensitivity to cold or sweets occur it means that the cavity has penetrated through the enamel into the tooth surface.  Inside the tooth is where the “pulp” resides rather the nerve of the tooth which is why the tooth becomes sensitive.  When the tooth is visibly darkened on the enamel or around a restoration it may or may not be sensitive but more often than not there is a cavity present.

Here at my Inland Empire Biological and Dental Wellness office we offer cutting edge technology when it comes to all aspects of dental treatment and care.  Our primary goal is to protect and preserve your tooth structure.  During your dental examinations and dental hygiene visits we examine your teeth using our DIAGNOdent laser.  The DIAGNOdent laser detects tooth decay in it’s earliest stages thus allowing less invasive dental procedures to remove the tooth decay.  Using the DIAGNOdent laser is a quick and non-invasive procedure and will detect cavities in seconds!

Detecting the cavity early allows us to remove and repair the breakdown of the tooth structure and in most cases without having to numb the tooth!

If you are curious whether or not you have a cavity or are experiencing symptoms of a cavity please call my Inland Empire Biological and Dental Wellness office to schedule an appointment.  (951)686-3666.