Fluoride-free Biological Dentist Southern California

Posted March 12, 2011 in Home

Fluoride-free  Biological Dentist Sothern California:

More and more research in the past decade has revealed that fluoride does not aid in the prevention of tooth decay.  Alarmingly, research is showing the toxic effect of fluoride to our body.  Fluoride can cause a variety of chronic illnesses.   Dental fluorosis along with negative effects on the thyroid, kidney, liver are just to name a few.  What is most disturbing to me is that fluoride is now linked to cancer; rather it’s consumption causes an increase of cancer.  Specifically, fluoride is now linked to  bone cancer.  Here is a link to a very informative website which sites research articles which expose theharmful effects of fluoride.  http://www.all-natural.com/fleffect.html

Where is Fluoride found?

Fluoride can be naturally found in fruits and vegetables due to it being in the soil.  However, the majority of exposure we get is from water fluoridation.  Interestingly, fluoride levels in our fruits and vegetables vary depending upon the amount of fluoride present in the watering system of the vegetation.  Fluoride is also found in the atmosphere, from gasses in industrial waste and the burning of  coal.  Let’s also not forget fluoride is in most toothpastes and a variety of oral rinses.

My Riverside Biological Fluoride-free dental office offers patients biocompatible materials when dental treatment is provided, as well as, the best in preventative products to use at home.  Please call to schedule your fluoride-free dental visit at (951)686-3666.