Southern California Dental Office Gives MSG Warnings:

Posted April 20, 2011 in Home

As a dentist that is focused on total body health, I wanted to discuss research that is hot off of the press regarding the food additive MSG.  As a member of the IAOMT (International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology), I receive many articles that address controversy with the FDA approval of food additives and medicaments and their affects on our health.  A recent article I received was in regards to the food additive MSG which I found quite alarming.

Alarmingly, MSG (monosodium glutamate) has been deemed by the FDA as safe.  However, when diving through research articles and materials on the dangers of MSG, I wonder why the FDA still allows this food additive.  In further research, I discovered that most food companies have now schematically replaced MSG with similar additives that are just as dangerous due to its negative press.  So, as Americans are becoming more health conscious, the food companies are becoming more devious.

MSG and its counterparts; glutamate, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, and free glutamic acid are added to processed food because when broken down by the body; the brain is stimulated and left wanting more.  Simply, adding one of these to food tricks the body and creates processed food addiction.  The majority of fast food restaurants incorporate this into their food.  Unfortunately, employees working for these fast food chains as well as other popular restaurant chains do not know the ingredients of their food.  Research is now showing that MSG/Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein/Glutamate is injected into fast food and chain restaurants chicken along with many of their sauces and seasonings.  It used to be that Chinese restaurants solely used MSG but know it is mainstream and causing many health issues.  Hydrolyzed vegetable protein and glutamate are placed also in our “snack foods”.  Our children are ingesting these harmful additives in high quantities due to product labeling successfully misguiding the consumer.  My recommendation, eat fresh fruits, vegetables, beef, chicken etc.  Eat out less or know what foods are safe to eat when dining out at a restaurant.  Finally, do your research regarding products which you and your family consume regularly.

My Biological and Cosmetic Dental Wellness office is committed to health and dental wellness.  Please contact our dental office to take care of your dental needs (951)686-3666.