Holistic Dentist Explains BPA Danger to Health:

Posted September 25, 2011 in Home

Bisphenol A better known as BPA is commonly used to make clear polycarbonate plastic and resin.  It was created in the late 1800’s by chemists to form plastic and by the early 1900’s was found to be unsafe in large quantities.  Unfortunately, chemists only tested and created minimal compounds to create plastic of which BPA being on the safer side.  Even though studies in the1930’s revealed mutations in estrogen and reproductive tissues in mice and rats, it was deemed safe for human use.  Interestingly, BPA is also used as a pesticide and fungicide.  It is said that the United States no longer uses BPA in its pesticides.

According to online source Wikipedia; more than 8 billion pounds of BPA are produced on a yearly basis around the world.

Why is BPA dangerous?

When plastic is formed many chemicals are used and form to make plastic and resin materials.  Overtime, the bonding of the chemicals breakdown as it is not stable, thus BPA is released into whatever it comes into contact with.  BPA can be absorbed through the skin, food, and water.  Running plastic through the dishwasher or through hot water can break the unstable bond creating a constant release of BPA that we consume on a daily basis.

Just how does BPA affect our system?

BPA is a known estrogenic material that causes genetic and hormonal mutations in fetuses, infants, children, men, and women.  On a systemic level Bisphenol A is an endocrine disruptor, simply it mimics our body’s estrogen hormone.  Long term and continuous exposure to BPA are still being researched.  Currently, there is concern regarding fetal development and health of reproductive tissues by the National Institute of Health and National Toxicology Program.  BPA is said to be in at least 95% of American urine sampled which means that as we continue to use products containing BPA, we are overloading our systems with this chemical creating a toxic effect.

Here is a list of potential health problems associated with BPA in animal studies:

Breast Cancer

Insulin Resistance

Exposure in utero can lead to precancerous prostrate lesions

Hyperactivity and behavior problems

Adult Obesity

Decreased Immune Function

Brain chemistry changes

Increased addiction to amphetamine drugs

Please stay tuned as I dig deeper into my upcoming blogs on BPA, where I will show you just how much BPA we are consuming on a daily basis unintentionally.  My dental team is focused on health and well-being, if you are concerned that your fillings contain BPA please visit my office for consultation.  My Riverside Biological Cosmetic dental office offers BPA-free alternatives for dental materials along with dental material testing to ensure that your body’s own chemistry is in alignment with dental materials used. (951)686-3666.