What is with this Oil Pulling Trend? Southern California Dentist Chad explains:
Posted June 1, 2013 in UncategorizedSo you have probably heard in the news or on Dr. Oz or from your friends the term “Oil Pulling.” Swishing oil in the mouth to cleanse your body….really? At first sound, it rings in the ears as a new fad in detoxifying the body. However, oil pulling has been a technique Ayurvedic healers have used for thousands of years. Interestingly, oil pulling techniques are recommended by many alternative health care professionals to aid in detoxification of the body, as well as, decreasing bacteria and infection in the mouth.
How does Oil Pulling work?
The theory behind oil pulling is that by continually swishing oil in-between the teeth and around the mouth, bacteria and toxins will adhere to the oil. When first researching oil pulling, many websites and testimonials say that sesame oil and coconut oil are equally effective in the detoxification process. Even patients of my Inland Empire Holistic Cosmetic Dental office claim that coconut oil pulling has been very successful for them in their quest for health. However, after reviewing multiple studies, the standard oil used in successful oil pulling is sesame oil. Interestingly, the oral mucosa (tissue) is very porous thus absorbs the nutrients that are in the oil you are using to oil pull. Sesame oil contains high amounts of Vitamin K, Vitamin E, Omega-3 fatty acids, and Sesamin all of these are absorbed when oil pulling which add health benefits to oil pulling.
Just how much bacteria and toxins are removed with oil pulling? Well, that all depends on the person who is doing the swishing. However, when researching the effects on oral health and oil pulling, I ran across a really great website dedicated to oil pulling. I have attached the link for those of you wishing to learn more about oil pulling. http://oilpulling.com/FAQ.htm
On a scientific note, the oil when swished encourages substances like bacteria and toxins to pass from the capillaries surrounding the salivary glands into the mouth. The oil has the same molecular charge, thus attracts the bacteria and toxins. Also in several studies on oil pulling and decreasing cavities, the results were significant at reducing the bacteria S. mutans which cause tooth decay. The particular study I read was over a 45 day period, the S. mutans bacteria was measurably reduced due to oil pulling every morning with sesame oil.
Recommended Oil Pulling Method:
1. It is best to oil pull at the beginning of the day, prior to breakfast. (can be done after drinking coffee) ideal on an empty stomach though.
2. Use a high quality organic sesame oil (coconut oil I don’t yet recommend as not enough studies have been released)
3. Measure up to 1 tablespoon and place in mouth
4. It is ideal to sit and oil pull (as to quiet the body while swishing)
5. Begin with 5 minutes of rigorous swishing and work your way up to 20 minutes. (for oil pulling to be effective it must be done for 20 minutes)
6. Spit oil into trash as to not clog your sink (oil at this point should be thick and creamy as it has pulled toxins/bacteria from your body.
*note: some individuals experience cold like symptoms when first oil pulling as this is a sign their bodies are detoxifying.
In closing, I am very intrigued by the process of oil pulling and am beginning to implement it in my own life to see its benefits. Stay tuned to future blogs as I report on how oil pulling works for myself and my patients. If you are interested in a more holistic approach to dentistry please call to schedule an appointment at my Inland Empire Biological Cosmetic Dental office, which is located in Riverside, CA. (951)686-3666.