California Refuses to Add Fluoride as Carcinogen in Prop 65 List; Riverside Holistic Dentist Explains:

Posted October 29, 2011 in Home

As the debate on fluoride is on-going, the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment’s in the state of California voted this month that fluoride not be added to its list of carcinogens.  The OEHHA is the agency that oversees the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act which was placed in 1986.  There are over 800 chemicals currently listed on the Prop 65 list.

Interestingly, the OEHHA has classified wood dust and aspirin as carcinogens (cancer causing agents).  It is unclear to me how wood dust and aspirin could be cancer-causing agents.  Even more unclear is how they are continuing to deem fluoride as a safe additive.  If it is so safe, then why are we prompted on the back of a tube of toothpaste to call poison control if swallowed?  But we can add it to our water system?  The OEHHA’s stance on water fluoridation is that the research on its toxic effects is “inconclusive.”  Many studies show however that fluoride is linked to bone cancer as the excess fluoride in our diets affects the bone marrow in a negative manner.

To add more fuel to the fire, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services earlier this year lowered its previous recommendation of water fluoridation.  Their reasoning behind this is to avoid health effects from too much fluoride, as Americans to date have better access to fluoride containing products and foods than in the past.  The EPA in reports, briefly touches on its concern in regards to over-fluoridation.  Currently, the EPA is analyzing scientific data to determine what amount of fluoride in the water system is safe.

To date; several counties across the United States are voting against water fluoridation and in-fact most have demanded the fluoride be taken out of their water systems.  A great example for our state of California is the city of Santa Cruz.  San Diego and Sunnyvale also have taken the anti-fluoride stance on water fluoridation.

As a dentist who believes in a more holistic and natural approach to dentistry and preventative products, I do not recommend the use of fluoride.  Fluoride is a proven toxin therefore, all recommended preventive products in my Riverside Holistic Dental office are fluoride-free.  If you are seeking a dental office that views total body health as a priority please visit our office located off of the 91-freeway in Riverside, California. (951)686-3666.