Can you Re-mineralize Tooth Enamel?

Posted September 11, 2011 in Home

Is it possible to strengthen those unsightly white-spots on your teeth?  Is it possible to strengthen enamel that you have been told is weak?

Tooth enamel is a complex matrix of minerals, mainly calcium phosphate.  With enamel containing 96% minerals, it makes enamel the one of the hardest tissues in the body.  However, because enamel contains such a high mineral content it has the ability to de-mineralize and re-mineralize which makes it extremely complex.  On a daily basis tooth enamel shifts from either of these mineralization processes depending on what the enamel is exposed to in the diet and saliva.

Let me dive into this topic first by explaining what causes demineralization or weakening of tooth enamel.

1. Acidic Environment:  Acidic foods, acidic drinks, and acid releasing bacteria quickly weaken and destroy tooth enamel.  Soda, diet drinks, flavored drinks, and flavored waters contain sugar or sugar substitutes along with citric acid/phosphoric acid.  Health problems like GERD, acid reflux and prolonged vomiting also damage tooth enamel.

2.  Trauma:  Excessive force when chewing, when the bite is not properly aligned.  Grinding and clenching the teeth day or night also leads to the destruction of tooth enamel.

3.  Certain Toothpastes:  Toothpastes containing fluoride and glycerin as a filler, coats the tooth surface making it more difficult for the enamel to re-mineralize.

4.  Certain Foods/Drinks:  Again, soda and candy take the lead.  Also on the list of foods that cause demineralization are: refined sugars, corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oils etc.  Basically, most processed/synthetically engineered foods contain starches which stick easily to the tooth surface increasing acidity in the mouth.  Most breads and cereals are also harmful to tooth enamel, because they contain physic acid.  This acid even in whole grain bread end up blocking the absorption of the minerals needed to re-mineralize tooth enamel.  Your best bet would be to purchase sprouted grain bread and grain products.  Look to your local natural health food store for purchase.

How to Re-mineralize and Strengthen Tooth Enamel:

The main culprit of enamel loss is acid which causes the breakdown of minerals and tooth weakening.  The first step in the re-mineralization process is to keep teeth clean using products that are fluoride free and contain Xylitol.  Xylitol inhibits the bacteria from releasing acid, therefore assisting the body in repairing itself.  It is important for saliva to coat your teeth, which contains minerals  for strengthening.

Aside from adding Xylitol into your tooth and diet regime; Vitamin D along with adding Sea Salt (trace minerals) to your diet are essential for not only bone growth but repairing enamel as well.  In addition, taking an Omega 3 high potency fill oil like krill oil will assist in mineral absorption.

If you are interested to learn if you are at risk of having weakened enamel by acidic saliva, please call my Riverside Biological Cosmetic Dental office. My dental team is dedicated to the health and well-being of the mouth along with the total body.  (951)686-3666.