Category: Home

Warning Signs of Gum Disease

Posted February 7, 2011

Periodontal disease is also known as gum disease and pyorrhea.  In many cases, individuals do not realize periodontal disease is occurring in their mouth.  Periodontal disease is a chronic infection that surrounds the tooth and over time creates bone-loss and eventual tooth-loss.  Here at my Inland Empire Biological and Cosmetic dental office, we have the […]

Adult Braces Yes You Can!

Posted January 23, 2011

There are many reasons why braces are necessary for adults.  Yes, even if you have had previous orthodontics you may need revision orthodontics.  Technology and theory have both changed in regards to tooth movement.  Fifteen plus years ago, most orthodontic procedures were performed to simply straighten teeth.  There was limited research on using orthodontics to […]

FDA Recall on Hyland’s Teething Tablets

Posted January 14, 2011

As a parent, I know that teething is a stressful time.  From fussiness, fever, diarrhea, drooling, rashes, runny noses, gum swelling, and sleeping problems we make a huge effort to help minimize the discomfort that comes with teething.  Most parents associate these symptoms with teething, however there is much debate with experts on whether or […]

Fluoride Level in Public Water Proposed Reduction

Posted January 13, 2011

WOW… really all I can say!   A win for health advocates in our nation, less fluoride in our water.  The Department of Health and Human Services and Environmental Protection Agency released a statement January 7, 2011 ( just a few days ago) that they are proposing to decrease the amount of fluoride currently in […]

Common Foods/Drinks that Stain Tooth Enamel and Porcelain Veneers

Posted January 11, 2011

Patients often visit the dentist for cosmetic purposes.  Whether it is for teeth that are discolored or aged discolored porcelain, a bright smile is important.  Which is why our Riverside Biological and Cosmetic Dental office offers same-day whitening procedures along with other tooth whitening options.  If you are an individual who has stained discolored porcelain, […]