Category: Home

A Guide to Your Child’s Permanent Dentition

Posted December 31, 2010

As a parent, we watch our children go through many milestones and they grow.  One of which, is losing their baby teeth.  Some children tend to get their permanent teeth much earlier than expected while others get their permanent teeth much later.  It is important during this transition to really develop a toothbrushing regime that […]

10 Facts to Keep Your Mouth Healthy in 2011

Posted December 31, 2010

1.  Dental  Checkups are Important: Going to the dentist for regular checkups is one of the most important factors in maintaining good oral health.  Regular checkups can prevent root canals, cavities, gum disease, oral cancer and other dental conditions. 2.  Dental Cleanings are Extremely Important: Having frequent dental hygiene cleanings will help prevent gum disease […]

Treating Early Tooth Decay Without Drilling

Posted December 31, 2010

As technology emerges, there are new ways to treat tooth decay without drilling or without numbing the tooth.   In order to treat these teeth without the use of a drill or anesthetic, the decay must be small.  At my Inland Empire Biological Cosmetic Dental office, we use the Waterlase laser to treat tooth decay without […]

Signs and Symptoms of Mercury Toxicity/Poisoning:

Posted December 30, 2010

As patients’ when an illness arises these days, we turn to the internet to research and find answers to our ailments.  When traditional medicine does not determine a cause or reason for our illness, many of us are turning to alternative medicine.  The alternative medicine arena, rather holistic doctors have for many years linked amalgam […]

The History of Mercury Amalgam Fillings

Posted December 29, 2010

In dentistry, mercury amalgam fillings became a gold standard in treating teeth with tooth decay in the mid 1800’s.  During the mid 1900’s research began surfacing regarding the toxicity of metal mercury amalgam fillings.  Research in 1926 by German chemist, Dr. Alfred Stock showed that the silver amalgam fillings were a source of mercury vapor.  […]