Protecting children is part of our job or more like an instinct as a parent. We strive to always be aware of their surroundings to prevent bumps and bruises, prevent illnesses, provide a well-balanced diet etc. Unfortunately, studies indicate that dental care and prevention are lacking among children in a big way. Did you know […]
I’ve just added a special dental library on my main website Some common topics can be found by clicking on the Dental Libary tab on the top right of my website. You can also lookup information on other topics using the search feature located 2/3rds on the bottom of each page on the left […]
As most of you know, the silver amalgam fillings contain mercury. However, most of you may not know they typically have a 50% or greater mercury by weight content. The American Dental Association and the FDA have research that suggests the mercury content in the fillings is not enough to harm most humans. However, there […]
Periodontal disease affects virtually everyone at some point in their lives. Therefore, I am going to discuss the signs one might have when dealing with periodontal disease. The dental world has termed periodontal disease as the “silent killer” due to the fact that it is a disease that does not produce pain. Periodontal/gum disease manifests […]
Many adults out there think that just their “tweens” are candidates for orthodontics, which is why I am dedicating this blog to adult orthodontics. Typically, adults need orthodontics for reasons such as an improper bite, crowded teeth (which can lead to periodontal disease), and T.M.J. discomfort just to name a few. The condition of having […]