Citric Acid in Soft Drinks leads to Cavities and Tooth Breakdown

Posted March 7, 2010 in Home

Tooth/Enamel breakdown from Citric Acid in Soft Drinks leads to Cavities:

With the increase of soft drinks, flavored water, and sports drinks in our society; we have seen a rise in tooth erosion and decay in the dental profession.   Here at our Riverside Cosmetic Dental office; we have been treating and more importantly educating patients on the effects that sodas, energy drinks, and sports drinks have on their teeth as well as their body’s pH.  We believe that in order to have a healthy chewing system it best to have saliva that is neutral in pH, which is why we offer a test that measures the pH of your saliva.  Once we measure your pH we can properly treat, educate, and help guide you in your decision making on your dental health and total body health.
Did you know that even Diet Sodas are highly acidic?  When reading labels on drinks, be sure to look for the words: citric and/or phosphoric acid.  These substances have been reported to be 10 times more acidic than that of natural fruit juices.  It is ideal to eliminate these products from your diet to keep your saliva more neutral as well as your overall system in order to protect your teeth.  If eliminating acidic drinks and foods seems impossible we can help you make a decision of balance for your oral environment.   We can provide you with Cariesfree mouth rinses and toothpaste to use at home to protect the investment you have made in your chewing system with cosmetic veneers and porcelain crowns or onlays.  The Cariesfree rinse system has been proven to decrease acid levels in the mouth which in turn protect the teeth from daily attacks against acidic foods and drinks.  Please call our Riverside Cosmetic Dental office if you are in the greater Southern California and Inland Empire areas, so that we can determine if you are at high risk for developing the disease of tooth erosion (951)686-3666.