Computer Guided Implant Surgery in Riverside and the Inland Empire

Posted January 12, 2010 in Home

Technology is improving the way we do dentistry today.  One exciting application is in computer aided implant placement.  By utilizing a CT scan and special software, a dental implant surgeon can virtually plan and place implants into a computer generated patient model before even seeing the patient in the office.  One of the main benefits of this technology is for complex implant cases and for patients with minimal bone.  When many implants need to be placed in order to secure fixed (non-removable) dentures or bridges, it’s important to have the implants as parallel as possible.  Even for simpler cases, it’s nice for the surgeon to know exactly how much bone is available and to know where critical nerves are.  Basically, the more information the implant dentist has the better he will be prepared for the actual surgery.  I have the Procera software from Nobel Biocare which is the largest implant company in the world.  In certain cases, I can even design the teeth ahead of time and place them onto the patient the same day the implants go in.  I’ll talk more about this procedure in a later blog.   As an implant dentist in the inland empire, I offer free consultations and have a complimentary DVD that features implants.  Please check my website at to see a link to an educational piece on implants.