Fight Gum Disease at the Gym

Posted April 15, 2010 in Home

As we are already 4 months into 2010, many of us have either pushed New Year’s resolutions of getting more fit aside or are still going strong at the gym.  Here in Southern California our lives leave little time for many of us to commit to regular exercise regimes.  With that said, I wanted to share some “eye opening” research that has recently come out in regards to Gum/Periodontal disease and our waistlines.  A study preformed by the Harvard School of Public Health indicates that obesity increases the rate of Periodontal disease by 29%.  Researchers link this startling news to the fatty tissue that is deposited around the waistline.  I don’t know about you, but this study has motivated me to get moving!

Here at our Riverside Dental Office, our Dental Hygienists’ treat Periodontal disease with the latest technology possible including Periodontal Lasers.  With a thorough Periodontal “deep” cleaning and use of the Periodontal Laser, your gums become sterile allowing your body to naturally heal itself.  The Periodontal Laser is also used in routine cleanings to keep your tissue as bacteria-free as possible.  It is extremely important for us to help guide you on your journey for better oral health as well as total body health.  Please call our Riverside Cosmetic Dental Office if you think you may have or be at risk for Gum/Periodontal disease (951)686-3666.