How to Get a Hollywood Smile for the Holidays

Posted December 11, 2013 in Uncategorized

Various get-togethers with friends and family make the holidays one of the best times of the year. To look their best, many people focus on physical aspects, such as their hair, face, and body. However, the appearance of a bright white smile is perhaps the feature that matters the most. To get those pearly whites brighter and make a lasting impression this holiday season, we’ve provided a few simple “dos” and “don’ts” to help you get that Hollywood smile in no time at all.


Baking Soda

Around for over a century, this simple product can be very effective in whitening teeth. By brushing your teeth with baking soda once a week, this slightly abrasive material creates a chemical reaction when added to water that gently removes surface stains from teeth.

Crunchy Foods

No, we’re not talking about chips (darn it!). However, crunchy fruits and vegetables such as carrots, celery, and apples can naturally whiten teeth because they contain a compound called cellulose that removes stains.


This tasty fruit contains malic acid, which is a whitening enzyme found in many toothpastes. By mashing up a few berries and rubbing them on the teeth for a few minutes at a time, stains are naturally diminished.



One of the most infamous culprits of yellow teeth is coffee. Asking individuals to completely stop drinking the beverage may not be realistic. However, you can decrease the staining effects by sipping it through a straw or brushing your teeth immediately after drinking it.

Gold Jewelry

It makes perfect sense that yellow teeth are emphasized by gold jewelry. Instead, try wearing silver jewelry to contrast the appearance of your teeth.

Although there are various ways to eliminate yellow staining and get whiter teeth, a surefire way to get bright white teeth with no downtime is to seek professional dentistry. At his Riverside office, Dr. Chad Tomazin regularly helps men and women get the white, long-lasting smile they desire. To schedule your consultation, please call (951) 686-3666 or fill out our online consultation form today. Happy Holidays!