
Are Electric Toothbrushes Really Better for Your Teeth?

Posted September 25, 2017 in Electric toothbrushes

Close-up Of A Young Woman In Bathrobe Brushing Teeth With Electric ToothbrushChildren are taught from a young age to brush their teeth every morning and night. It is well-established that brushing, flossing, and oral hygiene are vital to dental health. One of the best ways to ensure that you have clean and plaque-free teeth is to use an electric toothbrush. Electric toothbrushes are better for your teeth than manual brushes and can more effectively get rid of dental plaque.

What Makes Electric Toothbrushes Better?

Electric toothbrushes are better than manual toothbrushes because they are more efficient in cleaning the surface areas of your teeth while guiding the pressure we apply. When brushing our teeth, many of us tend toward laziness, and either don’t get in and around every tooth or don’t brush for a full two to three minutes. An electric toothbrush can clean more teeth in a faster period of time, helping you cover more ground. This results in cleaner teeth and less plaque.

What Does the Research Say?

A wealth of studies show that electric toothbrushes tend to remove more plaque than manual toothbrushes. Electric toothbrushes also lower the risk of gum disease, reduce existing gingivitis, and may be safer and softer on the gums than many manual toothbrushes. Power toothbrushes are proven to remove stains and whiten teeth more effectively than manual toothbrushes. Furthermore, research has established that the improved cleaning ability of electric toothbrushes encourages continued use, meaning patients are more likely to continue using an electric toothbrush once they have seen the benefits for their teeth.

Who Can Benefit From Electric Toothbrushes?

Everyone can benefit from electric toothbrushes, especially those who are lazy or inefficient brushers. Your dentist may recommend an electric toothbrush if your current efforts aren’t removing enough plaque. People that may find electric toothbrushes especially useful include children, people with braces or dental implants, and individuals who have trouble using their hands. Studies have suggested that patients who use power toothbrushes appreciate their results and tend to continue using them long term, which contributes to better dental health in the future.

Dr. Chad Tomazin, DDS and our team are focused on helping you achieve the best oral health. We carry high-quality electric toothbrushes designed to create healthy hygiene habits that will improve your dental health. For more information, contact us at (951) 686-3666 or through our online contact form today.

What Is Sedation Dentistry?

Posted July 5, 2017 in Sedation

Some people experience anxiety and fear when visiting the dentist. To make the experience of caring for your teeth as pleasant for you as possible, we offer sedation dentistry. Dr. Tomazin is a dental anesthesiologist and can use anesthesia to help nervous adults, children, or patients with special needs be more comfortable during their dental visit.

Why We Offer Sedation Dentistry

Woman Using Inhalation SedationDr. Tomazin is a deeply caring dentist who makes every effort to provide the best dental care experience for his patients. However, some people still feel anxious or scared about going to the dentist. Children may become uncooperative and restless in the dentist’s chair. Individuals with certain health problems such as heart troubles, gag-reflex, and disabilities may require sedation for safety. A previously unpleasant dental visit can affect individuals so strongly that they may avoid the dentist altogether, and the resulting lack of regular checkups can lead to tooth decay and permanent tooth loss.  

To assuage these problems, we offer sedation dental services. Sedation dentistry allows vulnerable individuals to get the dental care they need without the apprehension or fear. Various treatment modalities offered by our expert dental anesthesiologist, Dr. Chad Tomazin, help patients feel comfortable and allow the dental treatments to proceed as smoothly as possible. With sedation dentistry, patients who have previously been unable or unwilling to go to the dentist as frequently as they need to can receive the necessary dental treatments that will help prevent tooth decay and other dental problems.

Our Sedation and Anesthesia Services

We offer a variety of sedation and anesthesia services to accommodate every patient’s needs. In addition to local anesthesia and oral sedation, we offer intravenous sedation to help patients relax more deeply. Our sedation treatments range from minimal (aware but relaxed) to deep sedation (not easily aroused). We also offer general anesthesia so that the patient can be completely unconscious and unresponsive for the duration of the procedure. The patient is carefully monitored while under any of these forms of sedation and anesthesia. Dr. Tomazin finds sedation dentistry to be incredibly beneficial for many patients. Thanks to sedation dentistry, all interested patients—even those who dread going to the dentist—can receive dental treatment in a relaxed or sedated state.

Sedation dentistry can help you or a loved one have a more positive experience when visiting the dentist. To learn about sedation dentistry with our dentist and dental anesthesiologist, Dr. Chad Tomazin, schedule your appointment by calling (951) 686-3666 or by completing our online contact form today.

Exchange Metal Fillings for Composite Fillings

Posted June 27, 2017 in Dentistry

Metal Filling in ToothMetal fillings have been used on teeth since the 1800s and are still used in dentistry today. However, metal fillings contain mercury, a metal known to have toxic effects on the body. Our biological dentist, Dr. Chad Tomazin, can exchange your metal fillings for composite fillings. Not only will this eliminate a health hazard, but it will also give you a more beautiful smile.

The Aesthetic Downsides of Metal Fillings

The aesthetic issue with metal fillings is that they are easy to see. Metal fillings are silver in color, which does not match the color of the affected tooth or surrounding teeth. Consequently, when you smile or open your mouth, the world can see your fillings. This detracts from your appearance and draws attention to your unfortunate history of cavities.

The Health Hazards of Metal Fillings

Additionally, “silver” amalgam fillings are a health hazard because they are 50 percent mercury. Because of this, metal fillings emit mercury vapor that can enter the bloodstream. The potential health effects of mercury exposure are notable. It can cause harm to the immune, cardiac, respiratory, digestive, and urinary systems, and it has also been shown to cause brain cell damage. Some physicians may even encourage you to have your metal fillings removed due to the risks they pose to your health.

Switching From Metal to Composite Fillings

Regarding both aesthetics and health hazards, composite fillings have been shown to be better for your smile. Composite fillings are tooth-colored and are hardly noticeable because they blend with the surrounding teeth. They contain no mercury, making them far less of a health hazard than amalgam fillings. Even if you already have multiple metal fillings, you can have them exchanged for more biocompatible materials.

The removal process for metal fillings requires advanced technical equipment and should be performed by a biological dentist who can adequately address the issues. Because mercury vapor is released upon removal of a metal filling, special techniques and suction devices are required to minimize exposure for the patient and dental team. Dr. Tomazin works with your doctor’s recommendations regarding mercury removal and can help you achieve a more holistic and biocompatible approach to dentistry.
By having your metal fillings exchanged for a safer option, you can improve your smile and reduce your health risks. To learn more about science-based biological and holistic dentistry, contact us to schedule an appointment with Dr. Tomazin. Call (951) 686-3666 or complete our online contact form to reach us today.

9 Reasons to Get Porcelain Veneers

Posted March 29, 2017 in Dentistry, Porcelain Veneers

Pretty Woman Smiling With Hands On ChinA beautiful smile is marked by straight, white, and symmetrical teeth. Is your smile lacking in any of these areas? Thin sheets of porcelain called porcelain veneers can be permanently cemented to your teeth to correct discoloration, chips, breaks, crookedness, and other cosmetic and functional concerns. Dr. Tomazin can give your smile a makeover by using porcelain veneers as a permanent and easy solution to improve the aesthetics and function of your teeth.

Reason #1: Treatment Is Quick and Easy

Getting porcelain veneers is nothing like those dental treatments that take months or years to produce real results. In just one or two office visits, your veneers can be permanently attached to your teeth for a quick and easy solution with immediate results.

Reason #2: Get Whiter, Natural-looking Teeth

Teeth whitening treatments aren’t for everyone. If you can’t receive whitening treatments or if whitening treatments haven’t produced the results you were hoping for, veneers can give you white teeth here and now. They’re also stain-resistant and blend naturally with the rest of your teeth.

Reason #3: Fix Crooked or Misshapen Teeth

If you have crooked or misshapen teeth, you don’t have to spend months undergoing orthodontic treatments. Veneers can be placed over your teeth to improve their appearance and give you a straighter smile with just two treatments.

Reason #4: Hide Chips, Cracks, or Breaks

Chipped, cracked, and broken teeth can easily be disguised with porcelain veneers. Veneers can even correct problems with chewing or speech impediments caused by broken teeth.

Reason #5: Improve Your Bite

Believe it or not, teeth straightening treatments aren’t the only way to improve your bite. Porcelain veneers can improve your bite as well and help your teeth align properly for improved form, function, and appearance.

Reason #6: Close Gaps

Do you have gaps between your teeth? Veneers can be made slightly wider than your natural tooth to erase the gap so that your teeth are flush together. They can even hide significant gaps caused by missing teeth.

Reason #7: Treatment Is Painless

Getting porcelain veneers is a simple and painless treatment. Unlike other dental treatments that can cause substantial oral pain, veneers are quickly and easily attached to the teeth in a painless process.

Reason #8: They’re Incredibly Durable

Veneers are a long-lasting solution and are incredibly durable. Getting porcelain veneers on your teeth can protect your teeth and your smile for many years.

Reason #9: A Versatile and Multipurpose Solution

Porcelain veneers are the only dental treatment that can fix discoloration, crookedness, and tooth shape all at once. Instead of having to undergo multiple different treatments, you can receive veneers to resolve your concerns with just one or two office appointments.

Dr. Chad Tomazin can use porcelain dental veneers to transform your smile and your appearance. To learn more, request your appointment with Dr. Tomazin by calling (951) 686-3666 or by filling out our online contact form today.

Is Whitening Bad for Your Teeth?

Posted February 21, 2017 in Teeth Whitening

Everyone wants their teeth to be, as it were, “pearly whites.” But is teeth whitening safe? When done properly using the right products, always under the care of your dentist, teeth whitening can be entirely safe and can give you the beautifully white smile you desire.

Man and Woman Happy and SmilingWhy Don’t Teeth Stay Naturally White?

Tooth enamel is naturally white, but certain foods and drinks can discolor it. Common culprits are coffee, tea, soda, wine, sweets, citrus, berries, tomatoes, and certain spices. Minimizing your consumption of these foods and drinks can reduce staining. However, for most of us, it’s not realistic to avoid these substances entirely. Doing so can even deprive you of certain nutrients that are critical to your overall health. Therefore, it is understandable that your teeth may lose some of their whiteness and brightness as you get older.

Factors That Affect the Safety, Efficacy, and Comfort of Teeth Whitening Solutions

FDA Approved With the ADA Seal of Acceptance

To ensure that your teeth whitening solution is safe, only use products that are FDA approved and have the ADA Seal of Acceptance, which is administered for over-the-counter products. “Clinically proven” assures you that the product has been put through rigorous testing and is indeed safe for use. It also determines whether the treatment is effective. If you purchase a product that claims to whiten teeth but a note somewhere on the product says, “This statement has not been evaluated by the FDA,” you have no guarantees and will be using it at your own risk. Luckily, there are plenty of teeth whitening products out there with these safety labels for you to choose from.

Your Dental Health

If your teeth and gums are not in good condition, teeth whitening may NOT be safe for you. For instance, if your teeth have holes or cracks, tooth bleaching products could seep through and damage the tooth root. Similarly, if your teeth have worn enamel or if you have cavities or gum disease, your dentist may discourage you from bleaching your teeth. However, if your teeth are generally healthy, your dentist will more than likely approve teeth whitening as an appropriate treatment for you.

Having Sensitive Teeth or Gums

Some people have naturally sensitive teeth or gums. Teeth and gum sensitivity after using whitening agents is only temporary and usually goes away within 48 hours. Sensitivity may increase and become more uncomfortable with prolonged use of the treatment.

Prolonged Use

The longer you use a teeth whitening solution, the greater your tooth sensitivity may become. There is not enough information available to safely recommend unsupervised long-term use or repeated use of teeth whitening products. If you are interested in a long-term solution or if you need severe teeth whitening, talk to your dentist about solutions that will be appropriate for you.

Reliable Teeth Whitening Solutions

There are two types of teeth whitening solutions: bleaching products, which can remove surface stains and deep stains, and non-bleaching products, which can remove surface stains only. Various treatments and solutions can be purchased at drug stores, given by your dentist for at-home use, or administered by your dentist in the dental office.

  • Take-Home Teeth Whitening: At-home bleaching trays can be custom-fitted to your teeth to give you a whiter smile within just a few weeks. Teeth whitening strips may also be recommended. At-home solutions are often quite affordable and easy to use.
  • In-Office Teeth Whitening: A tooth bleaching gel can be applied during a two-hour treatment session at the dentist’s office. This quick and effective treatment can produce immediate and excellent results.

Talk to Your Dentist First

Regardless of which treatment you have chosen, talk to your dentist before using any teeth whitening solution. Your dentist will assess your dental and oral health to determine if bleaching your teeth is a good form of treatment. It is always best to entrust your teeth whitening to dental experts to ensure safe treatment and the best results. With professional monitoring, you can avoid risking any damage, severe discomfort, or other issues and still achieve a whiter and brighter smile.  

Chad Tomazin, DDS offers in-office and at-home teeth whitening solutions at his dental practice in Riverside, California. To request your appointment with Dr. Tomazin, call (951) 686-3666 or fill out our online contact form today.