
How to Get a Hollywood Smile for the Holidays

Posted December 11, 2013 in Uncategorized

Various get-togethers with friends and family make the holidays one of the best times of the year. To look their best, many people focus on physical aspects, such as their hair, face, and body. However, the appearance of a bright white smile is perhaps the feature that matters the most. To get those pearly whites brighter and make a lasting impression this holiday season, we’ve provided a few simple “dos” and “don’ts” to help you get that Hollywood smile in no time at all.


Baking Soda

Around for over a century, this simple product can be very effective in whitening teeth. By brushing your teeth with baking soda once a week, this slightly abrasive material creates a chemical reaction when added to water that gently removes surface stains from teeth.

Crunchy Foods

No, we’re not talking about chips (darn it!). However, crunchy fruits and vegetables such as carrots, celery, and apples can naturally whiten teeth because they contain a compound called cellulose that removes stains.


This tasty fruit contains malic acid, which is a whitening enzyme found in many toothpastes. By mashing up a few berries and rubbing them on the teeth for a few minutes at a time, stains are naturally diminished.



One of the most infamous culprits of yellow teeth is coffee. Asking individuals to completely stop drinking the beverage may not be realistic. However, you can decrease the staining effects by sipping it through a straw or brushing your teeth immediately after drinking it.

Gold Jewelry

It makes perfect sense that yellow teeth are emphasized by gold jewelry. Instead, try wearing silver jewelry to contrast the appearance of your teeth.

Although there are various ways to eliminate yellow staining and get whiter teeth, a surefire way to get bright white teeth with no downtime is to seek professional dentistry. At his Riverside office, Dr. Chad Tomazin regularly helps men and women get the white, long-lasting smile they desire. To schedule your consultation, please call (951) 686-3666 or fill out our online consultation form today. Happy Holidays!

Are Yellowing Teeth Aging Your Smile?

Posted September 30, 2013 in Uncategorized

Are Yellowing Teeth Aging Your Smile?

So you think your teeth may be yellowing or that your smile just does not have the sheen it used to.  This is a common concern that our dental team hears from our patients’.  In this blog I am going to share a few reasons why your teeth appear to be more yellow as the years pass.

1. Stain: there are 2 types of stain: stain that goes inside the tooth and stain that only resides on the outside of the tooth.  The stain that resides on the surface of the tooth is due to many foods and drinks we eat along with areas missed during oral hygiene care at home.  This stain can be removed by a dental hygienist during a routine cleaning.  It will also help you to spend more time at home with brushing and flossing.  Also investing in an electric toothbrush will help.  The stain that resides inside the tooth causing a dull and yellow look to the tooth is from years of eating/drinking foods that stain enamel.  Simply, anything that could stain a white shirt over time can lead to yellowing of the teeth.

2. Recession: when there is gum recession, the roots are exposed to the oral environment and can quickly become discolored as the root surface is much weaker than enamel.

3. Exposure to Antibiotics: individuals exposed to high quantities of antibiotics as a child are more prone to yellow, dull, or gray looking enamel.  Tetracycline is the main culprit in this, this antibiotic is now rarely if ever given to a child due to its devastating effects.

4. Crowded/Misaligned teeth: individuals who do not have a balanced bite run the risk of creating pockets for bacteria/plaque to congregate and create inflammation of the gum tissue and dulling of the enamel.


If you would like to hear about how our dental team here at Dr. Chad Tomazin’s Cosmetic Wellness office can brighten and enhance your smile please contact us at (951)686-3666.  We are located conveniently in the Inland Empire area just off of the 91 freeway in Riverside, CA.

Reasons to Ask for an Advanced Oral Cancer Screening

Posted August 30, 2013 in Uncategorized

Reasons to Ask for an Advanced Oral Cancer Screening:

Did you know that not all dentists’ or dental hygienists’ routinely screen for oral cancer?

The following link shows an article released and in that the ADA states that only 15% of patients are told they are getting an oral cancer screening.  I find this number to be alarmingly low, so I must defend the dental profession a bit and say we look at tissues in the mouth routinely for abnormalities without letting our patients’ know.

With that said, the “naked eye” can only see abnormal tissue in the form of district color changes.  Thus, oral cancer when found is much more advanced and treatment typically results in removal of large amounts of tissues in the mouth.  So what can you do to lower your risk of oral cancer…..ASK for a yearly oral cancer screening!  Moreover, request technology like the Velscope be used to evaluate your tissue.  The Velscope is a diagnostic tool used in dental offices to look at the oral tissues under fluorescent light.  This light will “bounce” back on healthy tissue and “darken” tissue that is abnormal.  What I like most about this technology is that to the “naked eye” this tissue that is “abnormal” with the Velscope is “normal looking” to the “naked eye.”

The question you may have in your mind is: AM I A CANDIDATE FOR AN ADVANCED ORAL CANCER SCREENING?  The following is a list of “AT RISK” candidates for oral cancer.




*there is also increase risk to those who have poor diets and who have an acidic environment in their mouths and body.

 Scary statistics with oral cancer: 42,000 Americans are diagnosed with cancer each year. Approximately 50% of which who will not survive over 5 years. 

Oral Cancer can affect the tissues of the tongue, throat, cheek, roof of mouth, floor of mouth, and oral tissues in general.  These tissues are exposed to many different chemicals and toxins from the foods we eat/drink.   It is my opinion that advanced oral cancer screenings be performed 1 time a year for preventive purposes.  If you are interested in an oral cancer exam please contact my Inland Empire Cosmetic dental office where we have the latest in technology for screening oral cancer.  (951)685-3666.

How to Determine if your Body is Sensitive to Dental Materials

Posted July 30, 2013 in Uncategorized

With the increasing amount of man-made materials used in healthcare, it is now wise for us to know what materials our bodies are sensitive to.  When our bodies are overloaded with materials that it is sensitive to , inflammation sets in.  When inflammation sets in, it causes varies ailments from lethargy to autoimmune issues.

Interestingly,  what may be acceptable materials for one may be harmful to another.  Let’s dive into this topic of dental material sensitivity a little deeper…

How can you tell if you may be at a higher risk for sensitivity to dental materials? 

***An individual who has moderate to severe allergic reactions to many different man made materials is typically a  candidate

***An individual who has unusual environmental sensitivities

*Chronic inflammation adjacent to where the dental filling/crown is located

*Unusual sores next to restorations that seem to not resolve themselves

*severe inflammation of oral tissue or lips

Just how relevant is Dental Material Testing? Well that all depends on the health of the patient needing the testing.  It also depends on the types of materials that are currently in the mouth reacting in a negative way together.  Here at my Holistic Cosmetic Dental office, we do encourage those individuals who are at a higher risk of having a dental sensitivity issue to have dental materials testing completed prior to treatment.

The test we recommend is the Clifford Materials Reactivity Testing.  This test is ideal as it is a blood test that evaluates the levels of antibodies produced when coming into contact with materials used in dentistry.  The CMRT reports on over 13,000 dental products and over 94 chemical groups used.  Once the levels of sensitivity are determined, they are compiled in a report listing the materials from the most compatible to least compatible.  The report is then sent to our office and is read, from the results of the testing a treatment plan is formulated using only the materials that are non-reactive to the patient.  There are instances where detoxifying the body is recommended in conjunction with this to decrease inflammation throughout the body.  Undergoing the care of a naturopathic/homeopathic doctor for detoxifying the body, can help the body/oral tissue decrease inflammation, thus a better cosmetic result for dental treatment.

If you think you may have an issue with dental material safety, please call our office to schedule a consultation (951)686-3666.

What is with this Oil Pulling Trend? Southern California Dentist Chad explains:

Posted June 1, 2013 in Uncategorized

So you have probably heard in the news or on Dr. Oz or from your friends the term “Oil Pulling.”  Swishing oil in the mouth to cleanse your body….really?  At first sound, it rings in the ears as a new fad in detoxifying the body.  However, oil pulling has been a technique Ayurvedic healers have used for thousands of years.  Interestingly, oil pulling techniques are recommended by many alternative health care professionals to aid in detoxification of the body, as well as, decreasing bacteria and infection in the mouth.

How does Oil Pulling work?

The theory behind oil pulling is that by continually swishing oil in-between the teeth and around the mouth, bacteria and toxins will adhere to the oil.  When first researching oil pulling, many websites and testimonials say that sesame oil and coconut oil are equally effective in the detoxification process.  Even patients of my Inland Empire Holistic Cosmetic Dental office claim that coconut oil pulling has been very successful for them in their quest for health.  However, after reviewing multiple studies, the standard oil used in successful oil pulling is sesame oil.  Interestingly, the oral mucosa (tissue) is very porous thus absorbs the nutrients that are in the oil you are using to oil pull.  Sesame oil contains high amounts of Vitamin K, Vitamin E, Omega-3 fatty acids, and Sesamin all of these are absorbed when oil pulling which add health benefits to oil pulling.

Just how much bacteria and toxins are removed with oil pulling? Well, that all depends on the person who is doing the swishing.  However, when researching the effects on oral health and oil pulling, I ran across a really great website dedicated to oil pulling.  I have attached the link for those of you wishing to learn more about oil pulling.

On a scientific note, the oil when swished encourages substances like bacteria and toxins to pass from the capillaries surrounding the salivary glands into the mouth.  The oil has the same molecular charge, thus attracts the bacteria and toxins.  Also in several studies on oil pulling and decreasing cavities, the results were significant at reducing the bacteria S. mutans which cause tooth decay.   The particular study I read was over a 45 day period, the S. mutans bacteria was measurably reduced due to oil pulling every morning with sesame oil.

Recommended Oil Pulling Method:

1. It is best to oil pull at the beginning of the day, prior to breakfast. (can be done after drinking coffee) ideal on an empty stomach though.

2. Use a high quality organic sesame oil (coconut oil I don’t yet recommend as not enough studies have been released)

3. Measure up to 1 tablespoon and place in mouth

4. It is ideal to sit and oil pull (as to quiet the body while swishing)

5. Begin with 5 minutes of rigorous swishing and work your way up to 20 minutes. (for oil pulling to be effective it must be done for 20 minutes)

6. Spit oil into trash as to not clog your sink (oil at this point should be thick and creamy as it has pulled toxins/bacteria from your body.

*note: some individuals experience cold like symptoms when first oil pulling as this is a sign their bodies are detoxifying.


In closing, I am very intrigued by the process of oil pulling and am beginning to implement it in my own life to see its benefits.  Stay tuned to future blogs as I report on how oil pulling works for myself and my patients.  If you are interested in a more holistic approach to dentistry please call to schedule an appointment at my Inland Empire Biological Cosmetic Dental office, which is located in Riverside, CA.  (951)686-3666.