
Toxic Mercury Amalgam Fillings in the News:

Posted April 1, 2013 in Uncategorized

Confirming what my Holistic Cosmetic Dental office believes, metal amalgam mercury fillings ARE TOXIC!!
Here is a clip from last week’s Dr. Oz show. After viewing, there are several more clips..PLEASE WATCH all of them as to understand what exactly happens to amalgam in the mouth.  For example, did you know that acidic foods and drinks like tomatoes and coffee cause the mercury vapor to increase when placed in the mouth!! Also, tips on natural ways through diet one can detox from heavy metals like mercury.  I hope you enjoy watching this as much as I did! For a consultation on SAFE amalgam mercury fillings call my Southern California Dental office at (951)686-3666.

Dr. Oz Show Toxic Amalgam Fillings Episode

Cosmetic Wellness Dentist Gives Oral Health Goals for 2013:

Posted December 31, 2012 in Uncategorized

As this year is coming to an end, I thought it would be a great idea to blog on how to set oral health goals for the New Year!  Perhaps you have not been as thorough as you should be with your home care, maybe you have had a lapse in your dental cleanings, you may suffer from dental anxiety, finances are not there, or you do not have dental insurance.   Whatever the situation, there is always room for setting healthy goals for the new year.

With that said, here are my recommendations for achieving oral health in 2013:

1. Pretend you had a magic wand ( I know that sounds a bit silly!)  With this wand you could wave it and have the teeth, mouth, smile, oral health you’ve always wanted.

2. Make a list beginning with what is most important in your “magic wand list” for your teeth, mouth, smile, gums, health etc.

ex. chewing stability, white teeth, all metal removed from my mouth, clean teeth, gums that don’t bleed

3. From your “magic wand list” begin with addressing your list in the order of priority you listed.  Now, for some this list may be completely doable in 1 year.  For others, beginning with priority #1 may take all year or even a few years.  This is OK!  The most important step is that you determined what your goals are for your oral health.

4. Begin 2013 with a dental check-up and dental cleaning.  A dental check-up is a great time to discuss your oral health goals for the coming year.  A dental cleaning will help to ensure that the gums are healthy and stable, also the dental hygienist can give great tips on maintaining oral health at home.


5. Research your dental coverage and/or a flex-spending account which many companies offer.  Knowing your out-of-pocket expenses will help to prevent financial stress.  My Southern California Cosmetic Dental office offers financing through Care Credit, which is a great way to use 0% interest on monthly payments.  As an added courtesy, we offer limited in-house payment plans.

Here at my Riverside Cosmetic Dental office, we pride ourselves in handling each and any circumstance which you feel may be hindering you from achieving your goal of oral health.  Caring for your dental needs in your time frame to achieve your personal goals is rare to find as you search for a cosmetic dental office in Southern California.  I assure you that myself along with my excellent dental team will be able to care for you in this way.  Please call to schedule your dental visit at (951)686-3666.

Riverside Cosmetic Biological Dentist Chad Targets Periodontal Disease:

Posted September 28, 2012 in Uncategorized

When it comes to effectively treating periodontal disease, the majority of the dental community is “behind the times.”  With the emergence of the periodontal laser we can now eradicate the bacteria that destroy the gum tissue.  We can also stimulate new bone to grow around teeth affected by periodontal disease.  Unfortunately, many dentists out there have yet to invest in laser technology to improve patients’ oral health.  When it comes to treating periodontal disease, it is imperative that the bacteria causing the infection are destroyed, otherwise the infection will return.

Inland Empire Holistic Cosmetic dentist Dr. Chad, along with his skilled dental hygiene team understand the devastating affects periodontal disease has on the mouth and one’s total body health.  Dr. Kim and his hygiene team are committed to improving the long term health of patients’ which is why this Inland Empire dental office offers the latest in periodontal therapy and treatment for gum disease.

So, just how does Dr. Kim and his dental hygiene team treat and heal those with periodontal disease?

After taking a tour of the mouth and gum tissue, the dental hygienists’ uncover whether infection and inflammation are present in the periodontal tissue.  If pocketing, bleeding, inflammation, and/or pus are present this becomes a “red flag” to signs that there is active disease present in the mouth.  Primarily, certain groupings of bacteria play a role in the destruction of the gum tissue.  It is this bacteria that can over time cause devastation to the gums resulting in tooth loss, not to mention from a health stand point, high blood pressure, heart disease, systemic inflammation, pre-term labor, and diabetes can result from untreated periodontal disease.

 1. Bacterial DNA Testing:

Beginning with determining the type of bacteria present in the gum tissue is the FIRST STEP in effectively treating periodontal disease.  A simple sample taken of the saliva is sent to the lab to determine the type of bacteria present in the mouth.  Along with testing the bacteria, the OralDNA lab also has the ability to determine my examining your own DNA if you are more at risk for periodontal disease.

2. Supporting the Gum Tissue with Nutrients:

Often times, when there is infection/inflammation present there is a lack of nutritional support for the gum tissue.  Nutritional supplements that support the health of the gum tissue are recommended during and after periodontal therapy.

3. Unlimited Dental Hygiene visits:

The gums, teeth, and root surfaces need to be cleansed of all toxins and all debris must be removed for proper healing to occur.  Dr. Kim’s hygiene team will place patients on 3 month regime of unlimited cleanings to detoxify and cleanse the oral tissues during the treatment process.

4. Unlimited Laser visits: 

Consistent laser therapy has been shown to dramatically decrease the amount of bacteria present surrounding the gum tissue.  This is one more reason the dental hygiene team uses the laser during every visit during periodontal therapy visits.

5. Providing the Correct Oral Hygiene Tools for at Home:

Finally, in order to ensure the treatment in office is a success, it is vital that the patients’ home care is consistent.  Each patient has different needs, which is why Dr. Kim and team offer and suggest a wide variety of home care products.  Whether purchased in or out of the office, they encourage and instruct proper home care regimens for success.

If comprehensive periodontal gum care is what you are looking for, please visit our Dr. Kim and his dental team, located in Riverside, Ca. just off of the 91 freeway.

Dentist Chad Explains the Signs and Symptoms of Sleep Apnea:

Posted July 30, 2012 in Home

In my previous blog, I touched on the topic of sleep apnea being a sleep disturbance that can affect the body many negative ways. In this blog, I am going to reveal the signs and symptoms one may experience when it comes to sleep apnea.

Are you wondering if your sleep disturbance is sleep apnea? Sleep apnea is a chronic condition that causes lack of breathing throughout the night, leading to chronic sleep deprivation. Chronic sleep deprivation causes: daytime sleepiness, lack of concentration, and serious health problems. High blood pressure, weight gain, and type II diabetes are all examples of what can happen to our system if a sleep disturbance is not discovered.

Here is a list of the most common signs and symptoms reported when it comes to sleep apnea:

Ask your partner if any of the following occur at night:

Loud and Frequent Snooring
Long Pauses in Breathing
Choking or Gasping

Ask your self the following…Do you….

Feel chronically tired throughout the day (like you just are not getting enough sleep)
Wake you with a sore or dry throat
Headaches primarily occur in the morning
Frequent nighttime awakening (especially to urinate)
Waking up feeling out of breath
Difficulty concentrating

As a dentist focused on the total body health of my clients, it was extremely important for me to expand my knowledge and dental practice in regards to sleep dentistry. As a trained sleep dentist, I have the ability to screen individuals for sleep disturbances (primarily sleep apnea). If you think that you may have sleep apnea or someone you love suffers from sleep apnea, please do not hesitate call my Inland Empire Sleep Dental office to schedule a free consultation. We look forward to working with you to get you sleeping and feeling well rested. (951)686-3666.

Dentist Chad Explains Why Dentistry and Sleep Disturbances are Related:

Posted July 14, 2012 in Home

Sleep disturbances are seemingly more and more common these days.  According to WebMD, there are more than 85 types of sleep disorders.   From lack of sleep to waking-up frequently, these sleep disturbances are causing an inflammatory response in our body.  When this occurs, chronic disease, illness, and even in extreme cases death can occur.

In the past few years, mounds of research has come about explaining the damaging effects of inflammation on the body.  It is inflammation that we as dental professionals try to eradicate with frequent dental cleanings and proper oral hygiene.  Simply, inflammation is inflammation, it can manifest itself throughout  the body in various ways.  Inflammation in the body is linked to heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis, gum disease, cancer just to name a few.  Here at my Southern California Cosmetic Dental Wellness office, myself along with my team are focused on promoting total body health by decreasing inflammation in the body.

One may ask: What do my sleep habits have to do with dentistry? Let’s dive into this frequently asked question by the patients at my Riverside Cosmetic Wellness Dental office:

The main offender in sleep disturbances is sleep apnea.   Sleep apnea occurs when breathing stops or becomes very shallow at night.  When sleep apnea is diagnosed as obstructive, it usually is referring to a blockage in the airway.  OSA (obstructive sleep apnea) in most cases is in many cases due to inflammation already present in the body. OSA is linked to diabetes and high blood pressure and in severe cases death.  It is my goal as a dentist to reach out to patients’ on a broader spectrum in regards to their health.  As the majority of my patients’  visit my team of dental hygienists at least twice a year, most do not visit their general physician on a yearly basis.  Therefore,  by screening patients’ for possible sleep disturbances our goal is to decrease our patients’ risk for chronic disease to occur due to inflammation.

When it comes to determining if you or a loved one has sleep apnea, you can find a sleep study test at my Riverside ,Ca. office.  (951)686-3666.