
Southern California Biological Dental Wellness Office explains Adult Type II Diabetes and Gum Disease:

Posted July 31, 2011 in Home

Type 2 non-insulin resistant diabetes was discovered the 1930’s. Since the discovery, scientist along with the World Health Organization have further categorized millions of adults into either a pre-diabetes stage or type 2 diabetes. Many experts state that diet and exercise can keep the insulin levels at bay, thus preventing any need for medication. Also, many Naturopathic physicians believe that eliminating trans-fats in the diet and increasing healthy fats will help eliminate any need for diabetes medication. However in the past 20 years, dental research has proven that the lack of oral care can drastically affect the insulin levels in a negative way and vice versa.

Currently research is taking place to determine which comes first….periodontal disease (gum disease) or type 2 diabetes. For now, we know that decreasing inflammation in the body as well as the mouth helps to maintain insulin levels at a controllable level. When plaque is left along the gum line, the gum tissue becomes inflamed and may bleed. This is a sign of infection in the mouth and should be not taken lightly, especially with a diabetic. Patients’ with diabetes have a decreased immune system which has a difficult time fighting the “bad bugs” that come with periodontal/gum disease. Wound healing is also decreased in diabetes, thus the gum tissue has difficulty in healing itself naturally.

Steps to take to protect your oral health from diabetes:
frequent toothbrushing at least twice daily

floss every day preferably in the evening

frequent dental hygiene cleanings in intervals of 3 months

participate in a healthy lifestyle including diet and exercise

take high quality essential fatty-acids to help decrease total body inflammation

If you are interested to discover if your gum tissue is healthy or in need of TLC from my experienced Riverside Bioidentical Cosmetic dental office, please call us at (951)686-3666.

Southern California OBI Bioesthetic Dentist explains OBI TMJ Treatment Part 3:

Posted July 30, 2011 in Home

As I stated in Part 1 and Part 2 in my series of blogs regarding OBI dentistry; the OBI philosophy is to restore an unhealthy chewing system into a natural and balanced state.  It is necessary for the teeth, jaw joint, facial muscles etc. to all be in synergy.  When the chewing system is balanced, excessive tooth wear cannot occur, migraines disappear, and any jaw joint problems are resolved.

What is the TMJ?

When your dentists or friends refer the the TMJ, they are talking about the jaw joint.  TMJ is the abbreviation for the Tempromandibular joint.  The TMJ connects the skull bones to the lower jaw.  The TMJ has a very thin disc to cushion the two bones during chewing, talking, and swallowing.  When the jaw is in its resting place and the muscles are relaxed, the teeth will naturally touch together at the same time.

What Causes TMJ Problems?

An uneven bite, dental trauma, dental work, developmental problems, and orthodontic treatment can cause TMJ problems.  Over time, the stress on the muscles, jaw joint, and teeth can result in severe damage which also can cause severe pain.  TMJ disorder otherwise known as TMD dysfunction have a wide variety of symptoms.  When the TMJ is unstable, this causes the teeth, muscles, bone, and face to age prematurely.  Many cases of TMJ dysfunction involve no pain therefore the damage to the chewing system is often severe.

Bioesthetic Dentistry Can help the following:

Jaw joint pain


Neck/upper back pain

Worn/chipped teeth

Broken teeth or dental work

Difficulty when chewing

Loose teeth

Bone loss/gum loss

My Riverside OBI Bioesthetic Cosmetic dental office focuses on diagnosis of TMJ dysfunction in its early stages.  It is our goal to assist our patients in restoring the natural health of their chewing system so that it can last a lifetime.  Please call our Cosmetic OBI Riverside dental office to schedule a consultation at (951)686-3666.

Southern California OBI Bioesthetic Dentist explains OBI Dental Treatment Part 2:

Posted July 24, 2011 in Home

As discussed in my previous OBI blog, Bioesthetic dentistry involves the study of the aspects of an individuals chewing system to determine the best outcome for stability and function.  Simply stated; the jaw joint, teeth, jaw bone, facial muscles, and teeth in proper alignment create an even chewing system.  Having a stable chewing system will ensure teeth to last a lifetime free of trauma.  This blog is dedicated to discussing how my Riverside OBI Biological Cosmetic Dental office studies and treats individuals who are wanting to improve their chewing system, alleviate migraines, and prevent further tooth wear from occurring.

OBI Dental Treatment Frequently Asked Questions:

How much time commitment is required?

Every individual is different.  Just as it took time for bite imbalances or tooth wear to develop, it takes time to correct.  Some individuals respond in several weeks and others take several months.  Improving the smile and balance and eliminating or drastically reducing migraine headaches in a predictable manner is what our Riverside OBI Biological Cosmetic Dental office is all about.

What is involved in relaxing and stabilizing my jaw joints?

The first step is a complete analysis of the chewing system: the jaw joints, nerves, muscles, lips, tongue, mouth, face, and teeth alignment.  Once this information is gathered through an examination, and series of X-rays, a upper jaw appliance is made.  The upper jaw appliance called a “MAGO” is used for temporary bite correction, to relax the jaw joint and muscles, and to stabilize the jaw joint.  This appliance is removable and made of clear hard plastic.  The MAGO will also begin to alleviate headaches and put a stop to clenching and grinding of the teeth.

Part of the examination will include an occlusal analysis, where special measurements of your bite and its relation to the jaw joints are recorded.  Molds of your teeth are also taken so that your bite can be analyzed and placed on a jaw simulator.  This helps to determine what teeth are exactly involved and how the teeth can be “rebuilt” to provide stability and function.  There are many times where orthodontics may be necessary to provide the best treatment, this is typically when there are skeletal imbalances and severely crooked teeth.

The esthetics of the teeth are determined once the correct bite balance is diagnosed.  Which is the ideal alignment of the front teeth to protect the back teeth from jaw movements.

How many and what type of fillings and/or crowns will be placed in my mouth?

The amount of fillings or crowns solely depends on the amount of destruction present.  Some cases require limited white composite filling to be placed for reshaping of teeth.  Where other cases may require full mouth restoration to reverse the severity of the damage that has already taken place.

As you can see, treating the causes of tooth wear, headaches, cracked or broken teeth, and headaches/migraines will allow for a lifetime of jaw joint stability and harmony.  Please stay tuned to Part 3 in my series on OBI dentistry where I discuss how TMJ issues can be resolved.  If you are interested in creating a lifetime of function and stability for your chewing system please call to schedule a consultation at my friendly Southern California OBI Biological dental office. We are located in Riverside just off of the 91 freeway.  (951)686-3666.

Riverside OBI dentist explains Bioesthetic Dentistry Part 1:

Posted July 23, 2011 in Home

Bioesthetic dentistry is a study of the biological aspects of how all of the parts of the chewing system come together and work in unison, providing stability and harmony.  As an OBI trained dentist, I am focused the stability and function needed when it comes to cosmetic dentistry.  The knowledge that I have gained becoming an OBI dentist has allowed me to diagnose and treat imbalances in the chewing system while being conservative in dental treatment.  It is also important to know that Bioesthetic dentistry allows for the correction of the underlying causes of tooth wear, and not just the symptoms.  My Riverside OBI Biological dental office is able to help our patients’ preserve the function and beauty of their teeth and smile for a lifetime with our extensive knowledge of the chewing system.

At my Riverside OBI Biological dental office we focus on restoring the natural balances to an unhealthy chewing system through a series of diagnostics and patients’ wearing specific mouth appliances.  Improving the smile and its stability can take time, as the conditions which lead to a bite imbalance also took time to occur.

Bioesthetic Dentistry can help you if you are experiencing any of the following:

Worn teeth

Chipped or broken teeth and dental work

Jaw joint and TMJ pain

Upper back/shoulder pain

Shift in your bite

Jaw popping or clicking

Difficulty when chewing


Unattractive smile

*Look for Part II in this series which will discuss what types of treatment is involved at our Riverside OBI dental office.  Please do not hesitate to call our office to schedule a consultation to see how we can help you reach your goals (951)686-3666.

Southern California Biological Dentist Explains Childhood Teeth Grinding:

Posted July 20, 2011 in Home

As our children’s bodies grow and change their jaw joint and teeth grow with the same swiftness.  More often than not many parents observe their children grinding their teeth while sleeping.  Although it is common knowledge that grinding otherwise known as Bruxism can cause many problems with the chewing system in adults, this is typically not the case for our children.  On average 3 out of 10 children will clench or grind their teeth, however most will outgrow it.

Causes of Bruxism/Clenching in Children:

There has been research on potential causes of childhood clenching and grinding, however there have been no definitive findings.  Many dental professionals believe that children grind their teeth as a response to the top and bottom teeth not being aligned properly.  The mis alignment from the baby and the new adult teeth coming in is said to be another cause of grinding.  Stress, anger, and nervous tension also have the ability to provoke grinding and clenching.  In addition, children that are hyperactive also experience clenching and grinding.

Effects of Bruxism/Clenching in Children:

Most often children outgrow this condition without causing damage to their teeth.  Some children however experience headaches and earaches as a result of their bruxism.  In some instances, bruxism can cause excessive tooth wear, chipped teeth, and TMJ problems.

Our Biological Cosmetic Family dental office located in Riverside, California is equipped with the latest in technology and knowledge to provide outstanding dental care for you and your family.  Please call and speak with one of our friendly dental team members to schedule your appointment today. (951)686-3666.