Proper Oral Care for Babies…Preventing Future Cavities:
Posted December 31, 2011 in HomeAs parents, we are consumed on a daily basis with the needs of our young children. We strive to do the best we can when it comes to their health and dietary needs. However, many parents unfortunately are not properly educated by their child’s pediatrician on the proper nutrients for their children, thus leaving them susceptible to an increase in dental caries (tooth decay) and poor nutrition. According to a study done at the University of Illinois, 40% of children under the age of 6 have had at least one cavity. Whoa…is all I can say after reading this startling statistic! With all of the resources we have as parents and knowledge of tooth decay, not to mention the government claiming that fluoride prevents cavities…how is this possible?
Interestingly, this study took into consideration what is called “the window of infectivity” which is when babies are introduced to new types of bacteria. Babies are introduced to bacteria by means of parents, family members, and other children as they place virtually everything in their mouths! Previously, “the window of infectivity” was said to occur between 19 and 33 months of age. However, this new research determined that the bacterial community in the mouth of infants without teeth was more extensive than previously thought. Babies gum tissue serve as a place for the bacteria to grow and multiply. The bacteria evolve as our children’s diets evolve. As babies are introduced to formula and solid foods are added, the risk greatly increases for cavities to occur.
As a holistically-minded dentist, myself along with my dental team does not promote the use of fluoride as a means of reducing tooth decay. Instead, we recommend products containing xylitol along with products that help to re-mineralize tooth enamel that are safe and effective for infants as well as adults. My Southern California Holistic Family Dental office also recommends organic, nutrient-rich foods and avoiding overly processed foods in children’s diets.
Proper Oral Care for Babies:
Breastfeed to give your little one proper immunity and nutrients.
Gently wipe infant/baby gums with a warm washcloth or gauze after feedings, particularly if formula fed and when introducing soft solids and other liquids
Stay away from all juices as they contain citric acid and excessive amounts of sugar. It is best to feed them whole fruit as it is rich in nutrients.
Introducing vegetables prior to introducing fruits when transitioning to solids will help develop your child’s palate.
When the first tooth begins to erupt, introduce a toothbrush. Introducing a toothbrush during early development will help your little one get used to toothbrushing as part of their routine.
Introducing xylitol tooth gel during brushing will help to protect the newly erupted teeth by blocking the bacteria which releases acid that weakens the enamel.
Avoid processed foods as they contain sugars and starches which bacteria feed on. As a result, the bacteria release acid into the mouth which over time causes tooth decay.
If you and your family are looking for a dentist with a more holistic approach to dentistry, please call my Southern California Holistic dental office located in Riverside, Ca. (951)686-3666.