Riverside OBI dentist explains Bioesthetic Dentistry Part 1:

Posted July 23, 2011 in Home

Bioesthetic dentistry is a study of the biological aspects of how all of the parts of the chewing system come together and work in unison, providing stability and harmony.  As an OBI trained dentist, I am focused the stability and function needed when it comes to cosmetic dentistry.  The knowledge that I have gained becoming an OBI dentist has allowed me to diagnose and treat imbalances in the chewing system while being conservative in dental treatment.  It is also important to know that Bioesthetic dentistry allows for the correction of the underlying causes of tooth wear, and not just the symptoms.  My Riverside OBI Biological dental office is able to help our patients’ preserve the function and beauty of their teeth and smile for a lifetime with our extensive knowledge of the chewing system.

At my Riverside OBI Biological dental office we focus on restoring the natural balances to an unhealthy chewing system through a series of diagnostics and patients’ wearing specific mouth appliances.  Improving the smile and its stability can take time, as the conditions which lead to a bite imbalance also took time to occur.

Bioesthetic Dentistry can help you if you are experiencing any of the following:

Worn teeth

Chipped or broken teeth and dental work

Jaw joint and TMJ pain

Upper back/shoulder pain

Shift in your bite

Jaw popping or clicking

Difficulty when chewing


Unattractive smile

*Look for Part II in this series which will discuss what types of treatment is involved at our Riverside OBI dental office.  Please do not hesitate to call our office to schedule a consultation to see how we can help you reach your goals (951)686-3666.