Tips on how to Protect your Children’s Teeth from our Riverside Cosmetic and Family Dental Office:

Posted June 21, 2010 in Home

Protecting children is part of our job or more like an instinct as a parent.  We strive to always be aware of their surroundings to prevent bumps and bruises, prevent illnesses, provide a well-balanced diet etc.  Unfortunately, studies indicate that dental care and prevention are lacking among children in a big way.  Did you know that a report by the U.S. surgeon general revealed that over 51 million school hours are lost each year due to dental-related illnesses?  As a parent and dental professional this is extremely alarming.  Here are some tips on how to protect the window to your child’s soul….their smile.

1. Visit the dentist regularly.  At 1 year of age children should be seen for their first dental visit.  It is highly recommended that children be seen twice a year for dental exams/cleanings.  Building a cavity prevention plan for your child with his/her dental hygienist or dentist will keep both you and your child smiling.

2. Proper oral hygiene.  Brushing for 1-2 minutes twice daily is essential.   Brushing with water is acceptable or add a pea-size drop of toothpaste to the toothbrush.  Flossing can be a more difficult task however if the teeth are close together/crowded you must help your child by flossing these areas.

3. Proper diet/vitamins.  Follow the FDA’s guideline on nutrients for your child.  Stocking your shelves with fruits and vegetables to allow your child to receive vitamin C, vitamin B-12, and calcium is important for tooth and gum health.

4. Limit juices and sodas.  The citric acid in these drinks can quickly erode the enamel of baby and adult teeth.  We recommend diluting juice 50/50 with water and avoiding soda.  If your child does not take to the watered down version of juice then have them swish with water after they are finished drinking their juice.

5. Limit snacking.  Frequent snacking can cause an acid overload which can lead to tooth decay.

6. Avoid sippy cups and bottles to put your child to sleep.  Breast milk, infant formula, and milk all contain lactose which is a milk sugar.  Over time, this habit can also lead to tooth decay.

Our Riverside cosmetic dental office is child-friendly and provides dental care for children of all ages.  Our dental team is a family and we consider each patient a part of our extended family.  We would be honored to treat you and your children with your dental needs.  Please contact our Riverside cosmetic  and family dental office at (951)686-3666.