Tooth Sealant’s from our Riverside Biological Dental Office:

Posted February 24, 2011 in Home

What is a Tooth Sealant?

As a dentist who believes in preventative dental care, I believe that tooth sealants are an important part of caries prevention.  On the whole, children are more susceptible to tooth decay in the biting surfaces of the teeth.  Therefore, sealants help to deter tooth decay from the biting surfaces of the teeth.

Tooth sealants are placed in children and adults with deep grooves in their molar teeth.  The deep grooves and pits associated with molar teeth tend to accumulate more plaque and food than other teeth in the mouth.  These harder to clean teeth are more prone to tooth decay which is why dental sealants are recommended.

By definition, a tooth sealant is a plastic resin material that is bonded to the tooth surface.  The plastic resin creates a smoother surface which in turn protects the grooves from the bacteria that is in dental plaque.  The average age that dental sealants are placed is between 6-8 years.  As soon as the permanent first molars erupt, is when dental sealants are placed.  The typical sealant lasts between 5-10 years.

Please contact our Riverside Biological and Cosmetic Family dental office for more information on dental sealants for your child/children. (951)686-3666.